Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Changes

This is my first blog, so bear with me here. My title "Secret Inspirations" is to help people become more inspired and passionate about the world around us. The littlest things in life can inspire you to create something great. I hope that you all can find something you are passionate about whether it be something artistic, or even mathematical.

I am very interested in shoe designing, and the way they are made, so today I was just curious if there was a book out there to show me how. I stumbled upon this book.
I think I'll take a chance and purchase it, on a rainy day it could come in handy!
Think deeper than if a shoe is "pretty" or not, look beyond it and appreciate the handiwork and tedious parts of the shoe!

Check out this amazing "shoe"
Alexander McQueen (NYFW Spring 2010)

Totally amazing shoes. Though I wouldn't even consider them shoes because anyone Lady Gaga would be completely outrageous to walk in these! Speaking of Lady Gaga, she wore many designs by Alexander McQueen in her "Bad Romance" video. Look at the incredible detail on what I would say is a piece of art. You have to appreciate something so abstract.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what people don't stop to appreciate. The intricate details of everyday life ya know? Imagine what we're missing! This actual story lays it out well... thought you'd like it.

